Benefits Of Node.js And Why Startups Are Switching to It?

Krunal Shah

Jul 30, 2021

2 min readLast Updated Nov 01, 2023

Benefits of NodeJS

Node.js is among the hottest, latest server-side frameworks that make development easy as pie and have other amazing attributes. It's also among the most favorite programming platforms for startups. Giant companies like Walmart switched to NodeJS to ensure security for accessing data. NodeJS has a lot of attractive features for Startups. It has scalability and ease of coding. Plus, it has a huge community behind it.

If you're just getting into app development, here's some advice for you: Node.js is what's hot right now. Mobile apps are growing and as such, there is always a scope to hire developers. But this decision is crucial: will you use a different platform or Node.js? Though there are still some developers who prefer to stay with other platforms, it can become tough to decide.

Hence, to ease your decision-making process, we have listed some benefits of using NodeJS, which is now one of the top JavaScript frameworks for building mobile apps.

When faced with scalability and customization, developers seem to flock to Node.js. This framework enables scalability with regard to a software stack from a server-side perspective.

Node.js is fast and light and does not have long load times or slow performance. This speed and lightweight nature of Node.js makes it the best choice for developers who want to quickly respond to customer needs.

Microservices architectural style for Node.js brings a series of perks to users. For example, customers can scale easily, code can be written faster and more safely, there are extensive testing capabilities for A/B testing, and customer feedback is easy to collect.

Node.js is a handy and easy-to-use framework. However, it does require some extra thought on your part. As an example, a lot of code has to be written when the front and backend use different languages. Node.js is easy to learn, but you'll become an expert in no time at all.

Benefits Of Node.js And Why Startups Are Switching to It? (Infographic)

In this Infographic, we have explained the benefits of NodeJS for startups, and which features make it a top choice for so many big companies like Uber, Linkedin, Adobe, PayPal, and a lot more. We also discussed which projects work best with NodeJS. Take a look and find for yourself:

Benefits of NodeJS

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