April 2, 2020

Customer Support as a Backbone of Company Infrastructure

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Tapan Patel

Customer Support as a Backbone of Company Infrastructure
Nowadays, delivering the best of the best services to their client base is a daunting challenge for any organization. And to accomplish that each company should have the Customer Service department. To keep the customers satisfied, win their loyalty and reinforce their confidence in the company, it becomes important to address the customer question/issue as soon as possible. In the end, these variables will help the company keep the customer for as long as possible over an infinite duration of time.

Table of Contents

Why it is required
It's important to answer each and every client query as effectively as possible for better customer service. In most organizations, supporting each and every client with their issues at their best is a headache. To overcome this, this department came into the picture as ' Customer Service, ' launched itself and became the essential aspect of the infrastructure of an enterprise. It manages all customer-based requests, concerns, and questions and helps each person to ensure that each customer gets the proper and timely response to their requests and problems.
Every company can be founded on the basis of great ideas, excellent team leaders and many of the requisite departments, but one can't be competitive in their business domain without a team of the best technical support leaders. And that essentially makes you special and distinctive from other organizations.
Define Internal Architecture Of Support Group
Based on the strength of the company and the number of customers associated with it, a reasonable level of internal architecture levels should be identified so that when any customer request occurs, it can be handled at an acceptable level depending on the needs of the request and the type of customer. An organization, depending on the company architecture, can determine n levels of tiers.
Generally in every customer support team, there are first-tier members called as  ‘Frontliners’ which are responsible to provide the very first response to the customer of their inquiry. And based on the complexity of the question they will decide and escalate the ticket to a respected tier. For that you can define standard processes that need to be followed by each individual at a definite tier to maintain the protocol of the organization.
Key Roles and Responsibilities
  • Blog-Detail ArrowSupport team members need to be proactive all the time whenever any new issue, complaint OR query arrives from any of the customers
  • Blog-Detail ArrowProvide the immediate OR as quickly as possible reply to the customer’s inquiry OR whenever any question arrives from the customer. Either it would be a confirmation of their inquiry OR can be the quick workaround on the solution concerning that inquiry
  • Blog-Detail ArrowMost collaborative with each and individual department of the organization
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThey need to be in sync and top of all the department’s latest and current work status with respect to customer’s high-level issues
  • Blog-Detail ArrowMust have the in-depth knowledge and information of each company's services and it’s complete working procedure
  • Blog-Detail ArrowShould be technically sound enough to tackle, understand and direct the query in the right direction to provide the best resolution of the client issue
  • Blog-Detail ArrowSuggest the best workaround solution to the generated concern/question
  • Blog-Detail ArrowDesign, document and follow the best practices of the knowledge base and FAQs which provide the first step solutions OR answers the general questions regarding your services
  • Blog-Detail ArrowAlways encourage customers to follow the best practices to leverage the maximum benefit of the services
Challenges and How to tackle them
Each/Every customer’s query OR concern are unique and different from each other. So challenges with respect to each inquiry highly varies based on the complexity of the raised inquiry. One should always follow the practice to record and document all unique use cases with the detailed description that includes the steps which are followed to handle and overcome from that issue/concern.  That will also be considered as training material for the new support team member so they can handle the customer on the frontline efficiently.
Sometimes we may receive the inquiry that needs the input and eye of people of different departments. In order to deal with this kind of scenario, you have to be sufficiently collaborative with all other departments of your company for speedy and most efficient resolution of the received concern. And even sometimes your customer is way technically sound regarding your services, to cope up with those customer base support executives must have to be enough technically capable to assist their queries and evolve themselves each/every day to up to date with the latest technologies.
Conclusion: How customer support act as a backbone
In the human body, the backbone keeps the balance of the body, flexible enough and adjustable according to the body movement, following the same characteristics customer support also be in sync with all other departments to be up to date with the latest updates of an organization from all the perspectives, so that they can serve their customer base sufficiently enough to satisfy them for their queries, which eventually gain customer loyalty, boost the morale and confidence of the employee and ultimately make the organization successful in their service area.
And with respect to flexibility, the support team can be easily adjustable according to  changes made within the organization level in a timely manner.  Hence, it proves that customer support is undoubtedly the backbone of any organization.
Special Note : To be honest, there is not any special ingredient for great customer support, it’s just you and your approach towards dealing with the problem statement.

Third Rock Techkno is a leading IT services company. We are a top-ranked web, voice and mobile app development company with over 10 years of experience. Client success forms the core of our value system.
We have expertise in the latest technologies including angular, react native, iOs, Android and more. Third Rock Techkno has developed smart, scalable and innovative solutions for clients across a host of industries.
Our team of dedicated developers combine their knowledge and skills to develop and deliver web and mobile apps that boost business and increase output for our clients.

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