June 16, 2021

Mobile App Architecture: How to Choose Best Architecture in 2024

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Krunal Shah

Mobile App Architecture 2024
Mobile apps ever since their inception have brought in a paradigm change and they are here to stay. Be it business or our chores in daily life, mobile apps have become our lifelines. More so in today’s pandemic-ridden world, mobile apps were used extensively as the world was confined in their houses.

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Business enterprises worldwide focus on app development to reach the target audience more proactively. Statista also estimated that the revenue of mobile apps worldwide will increase over the next few years to 613 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.
As far as the mobile app architecture is concerned, companies cannot become complacent about this. Because the modern business world is highly dynamic and is expanding rapidly. Thus, if you cannot keep pace with the changing trends, you will not get the desired results for your business.
So to face the fierce competition heads-on, the business needs to be well-versed in mobile app architecture. Because if the architecture is not up to the mark, the entire app development process will go haywire.
In this blog, we will understand the nuances about app architecture. Moreover, we will see the steps that help you build the right mobile app architecture in 2021.
Thus, before getting into the thick of things, let us understand the meaning of efficient mobile app architecture.
What is mobile app architecture?
What is Mobile App Architecture?
To put it in a straightforward manner, mobile app architecture is a set of techniques and patterns which need to be followed in order to build a full-fledged and feature-rich mobile application. Although the technique and the patterns can be changed and customized as per the requirement of the vendor. But, care should be taken that while making the changes, the industry standards are kept intact.
Defining mobile app architecture diagram
Image Line: A detailed description of the nuances of mobile app architecture diagram
Mobile App Architecture Diagram
If the mobile app is independent of external resources, then mobile app architecture is correct in the true sense. Because of the independence, the efficiency of the mobile app will remain consistent irrespective of the mobile OS platform.
Moreover, make sure that the mobile app architecture diagram is not exposed to the other OS. If the mobile app architecture diagram is not exposed, it can work regardless of the status of the program.
iOS and Android mobile OS platforms are the major two operating systems in the app development realm.
Keeping the requirements of the modern-day businesses in mind, mobile app architecture is divided in three major types:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowiOS mobile app architecture
  • Blog-Detail ArrowAndroid mobile app architecture
  • Blog-Detail ArrowEnterprise app architecture
IOS app architecture
IOS App Architecture
The tried and tested iOS mobile app architecture is majorly divided into four parts:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowCore services: The core services do nothing but provide direct access to the database along with the file controls
  • Blog-Detail ArrowInterface level: The Interface Level is also known as Cocoa Touch. The level has a plethora of elements that are distinctly used for creating many interfaces. In addition, the cocoa touch also renders information to the layers that are coming from the users.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowCore OS: The Core OS is also known as the Kernel Level. The level directly works with the file system and also controls the validity of the certificates. These certificates belong to the apps. Moreover, the Kernel Level is also responsible for the security of the entire system.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowMedia level: This level here contains all the tools that are related to process all media formats
Massive View Controller
If you wish to have a high quality iOS mobile app architecture, you need to include an MVC and its prototypes. MVC (Massive View Controller) is difficult to be identified as a separate entity as it is so immersed in the view life cycle.
In a nutshell, the main responsibility of the view is to send the actions directly to the controller. The iOS developers need to understand that the View Controller is a data source. In addition, it is a place to start and cancel the server requests.
Android mobile app architecture
Android Mobile App Architecture
High-profile app development world, it is always best to implement clean architecture for mobile app development. Transition between layers in android mobile app architecture is very important. The transition here is carried out through two different interfaces:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowFor request purpose
  • Blog-Detail ArrowFor answer purpose
The two different layers are essential as then the inner layer will not be dependent on the outer layer. Moreover, if you wish to direct dependency towards the reverse flow data, you need to use the principle of dependency inversion. This in android mobile app architecture means that one should refrain from using the used cases. Because they are directly dependent on the interface in its layer instead of the presenter.
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Enterprise mobile app architecture
Enterprise mobile apps make the communication process between clients and employees easier. Thus, it will become inevitable to have a solid enterprise mobile app architecture in 2021. The new-age businesses rely heavily on the strategic use of IT technology. And a prudent enterprise mobile app architecture will help them attain the much-needed edge over their peers. According to the research the global enterprise application industry is expected to grow over $527.40 billion by 2030
In order to make a good enterprise mobile app, businesses should make a balance between their IT and business requirements. This balance will help you sustain your app in the rapidly changing business world. You will not face general problems such as low speed, app scalability issues, maintenance problems, etc.
A well thought out enterprise mobile app architecture is the ‘need of the hour’, especially in 2021.
Enterprise App Architecture
Now it is time to see the ways that will help in bringing consistency to the app architecture.
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Ways to bring consistency to your mobile app architecture
It is an unwritten rule that consistency is the key to success in any field. The rule stands true for app architecture designing as well. Because if the designing process is not executed properly, it will not yield the desired results.
Thus in order to achieve consistent flow in mobile app architecture, you need to take care of three layers:
Presentation Layer
The presentation layer in the app architecture consists of the UI process component and UI components. Thus, this layer mainly deals with the views and the controllers.
Inside the presentation layer, the app development team needs to decide the actual presentation of the app. They need to zero down the way the app will present itself in front of the end users. Moreover, in this layer of mobile app architecture, the focus is on finalizing the location along with the features.
In addition to the location and features, there is other stuff to look at as well. It includes defining the font size, the theme, etc. of the mobile application.
Business Layer
After finalizing the aesthetics portion of the mobile app development, the next step is to focus on the business aspect. The business layer as the name itself suggests is for all aspects related to the business front. In the business layer it is decided how the actual business will be presented by the mobile app.
Since it is directly presented in front of the end users, everything should be pitch-perfect. The layer includes different things like business components, different workflows, etc. In addition, it has the entities of the domain model layer and service model layer.
The above-mentioned domain layer is for showing knowledge and expertise to enhance the mobile for the future. On the other hand, the service layer is for defining the common set of applications in the mobile app architecture.
Data Layer
After the business layer comes the last stage which is known as the data layer. Here, data related to different factors are kept in mind. The data layer includes the data access to service agents. Along with that it includes data access to helpers and access components as well.
While working on the three layers, businesses should know that they are three components of two subheads:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowNetwork Layer
  • Blog-Detail ArrowPersistent Layer
Here the persistent layer in the mobile app architecture renders simplified access to the all-important data.  While the network layer takes care of all the networking calls.
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Factors that will define the mobile app architecture
There are several important factors that the business should consider while finalizing the mobile app architecture in 2021. For your benefit, we have listed few of the top factors below:
Defining the user interface
The user interface is one of the most important mobile app architecture properties. As mentioned in the presentation layer as well, UI is the final look of the mobile app. Thus, the developers should make sure that the UI is as simple as possible. A complex user interface is a huge turn off for the customers.
A complicated UI will confuse the end-user and will also hamper their overall user experience. This confusion will compel them to leave the mobile app and never come back again. Thus make sure to design the UI keeping the needs and wants of the end-customer in mind.
Selecting the app navigation
If the navigation of the mobile app is improper, it will dampen the overall image of the app. Thus, during the course of mobile app development, the developers should pay keen interest while doing the app navigation.
An ideal mobile app navigation has some empathic traits. It should be in such a manner that the users should reach their desired page without wasting much time. Moreover, there are a plethora of navigation methods for the benefit of the developers:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowSingle View
  • Blog-Detail ArrowStacked Navigation Bar
  • Blog-Detail ArrowScroll Views
  • Blog-Detail ArrowTab Controller
  • Blog-Detail ArrowModular Controller
  • Blog-Detail ArrowGesture-based Navigation
Finalizing the type of the device
There are a myriad of categories when it comes to new age tech devices. The categories include tablets, smartphones, watches and many more.
Thus for a profound mobile app architecture, the businesses should be well aware of the device. Because of the mobile application architecture properties will differ from device to device. Thus, you need to keep in mind the resolution, the memory, screen size, storage capacity, etc. therefore, for different platforms, the selection of mobile app architecture becomes even more crucial.
The curious case of Bandwidth scenarios
You cannot neglect the scenario of bandwidth at any point. For example, if there are high bandwidth fluctuations in the area of your end users, it will dampen their spirits. Moreover, it will also create a negative image of your mobile app.
Thus, while designing the mobile app architecture, keep a keen eye on the bandwidth scenario. Because if neglected, it can prove disastrous in the long run. Thus, the key here is to design the bandwidth by considering the worst possible internet scenario.
How to choose mobile app architecture?
Since there are different types of mobile apps according to their usage, the selection of app architecture can’t be uniform. Moreover, the budget of mobile app development plays a significant role in the selection process. Thus, according to different types of app development, we have curated a list to choose mobile app architecture.
Customized mobile app development
Custom Mobile App Development
The app architecture in custom mobile app development is cost effective and can target a larger audience. You can use the app on both Android and iOS platforms or for specific audiences too. It would be cost-effective as the client has to pay only for the audience he/she is willing to target.
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Web Application
Is your aim to achieve more customer engagement. Then you must always opt for the combination of a website app and native app. Here the mobile app architecture in the native app will give high-end user experience. On the other hand, the website application will increase the reach of your product.
Native application
Native Appication
If you do not have any budget constraint, Native app should be the option for you. You can build separate apps for both Android and iOS platforms. Native apps give higher performance and functionalities and enhance the user experience as well.
Cross platform application
Cross Platform App Development
In case your aim is to expand your user base but you also are tight on budget, opt for cross-platform application. Here, the developers just need to code once and this they can use anywhere as per requirement. Moreover, despite being cost-effective, here you might have to compromise with the quality of the app.
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If the mobile app architecture is not in order, you cannot expect high results from the mobile app. Mobile app development has expanded by leaps and bounds but the base has still remained the same. Thus, in order to avail full advantage of the mobile app, you need to hire an experienced mobile app development company. Because if the company is not worth its salt, it will not benefit your business.
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Krunal Shah
Krunal Shah is the CTO and Co-founder at Third Rock Techkno. With extensive experience gained over a decade, Krunal helps his clients build software solutions that stand out in the industry and are lighter on the pocket.
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