November 4, 2020

Lazy load component with Angular 10

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Shashikant Devani

What is Lazy Loading?
Lazy loading (also called on-demand loading) is an optimisation technique for the online content, be it a website or a web app.

Table of Contents

  • Blog-Detail ArrowInstead of loading the entire web page and rendering it to the user in one go as in bulk loading, the concept of lazy loading assists in loading only the required section and delays the remaining, until it is needed by the user.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowBy default, NgModules are eagerly loaded, which means that as soon as the app loads, so do all the NgModules, whether or not they are immediately necessary. For large apps with lots of routes, consider lazy loading—a design pattern that loads NgModules as needed. Lazy loading helps keep initial bundle sizes smaller, which in turn helps decrease load times.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThere are two main steps to setting up a lazy-loaded feature module
  1. Blog-Detail ArrowCreate the feature module with the CLI, using the
  2. Blog-Detail ArrowConfigure the routes.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowNode version 12.0 installed on your machine.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowVisual Studio Code
  • Blog-Detail ArrowAngular CLI version 10.0
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe latest version of Angular (version 10.0)
Create a feature module with routing
you’ll need a feature module with a component to route to. To make one, enter the following command in the terminal, where
is the name of the feature module.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe path for loading the
    feature modules is also
    because it is specified with the
    ng generate module customers --route customers --module app.module
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThis creates a
    folder having the new lazy-loadable feature module
    defined in the
    file and the routing module
    defined in the
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe command automatically declares the
    and imports
    inside the new feature module.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowBecause the new module is meant to be lazy-loaded, the command does NOT add a reference to the new feature module in the application's root module file,
  • Blog-Detail ArrowInstead, it adds the declared route,
    to the
    array declared in the module provided as the
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine --clientProject project-example
// app-routing.module.ts const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'customers', loadChildren: () => import('./customers/customers.module') .then(m => m.CustomersModule) } ];
Add another feature module
Use the same command to create a second lazy-loaded feature module with routing, along with its stub component
ng generate module orders --route orders --module app.module
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThis creates a new folder called
    containing the
    , along with the new
    source files.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe
    route, specified with the
    option, is added to the
    array inside the
    file, using the lazy-loading syntax.
// app-routing.module.ts const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'customers', loadChildren: () => import('./customers/customers.module') .then(m => m.CustomersModule) }, { path: 'orders', loadChildren: () => import('./orders/orders.module') .then(m => m.OrdersModule) } ];
Lazy Load Components
To explain the process of lazy loading a component, we are going to start with a simplified version of our
which simplistically displays the question properties.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowWe will then extend our component by adding Angular Material components. Last but not least, we react to output events of our lazy-loaded component.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowSo, for now, let’s lazy load a simplified version of the

    The first step is to create a container element. For this, we either use a real element like a
    or we can use a
    , which does not introduce an extra level of HTML.
<mat-toolbar> <span>Third Rock Techkno</span> </mat-toolbar> <button class="btn btn-primary" (click)="StartQuiz()"> Start Quiz </button> <ng-container #quizContainer class="quiz-container"></ng-container>
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIn our component, we then need to get a hold of the container. To do so, we use the
    annotation and tell it that we want to read the
@ViewChild('quizContainer', {read : ViewContainerRef}) quizContainer : ViewContainerRef;
  • Blog-Detail ArrowWe got the container where we want to add our lazy-loaded component. Next, we need a
    and an
    which we can both get over dependency injection.

is a simple registry that maps Components to generated

classes which can be used to create instances of components.
constructor(private cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver, private injector: Injector, private quizService: QuizService) {} const QuizComponent = await import('./quiz/quiz.component'); const QuizFactoy = this.cfr.resolverComponentFactory(QuizComponent); const instance = this.quizContainer.createComponent(QuizFactoy, null, this.injector); instance.question = this.quizService.getNextQuestion();
Once the start button was clicked, we lazy load our component. If we open the network tab, we can see that the
chunk is lazy loaded. In the running application, the component is shown, and the Question is displayed.
Advantages of Lazy loading:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowOn-demand loading reduces time consumption and memory usage thereby optimising content delivery. As only a fraction of the web page, which is required, is loaded first thus, the time taken is less and the loading of rest of the section is delayed which saves storage. All of this enhances the user’s experience as the requested content is fed in no time.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowUnnecessary code execution is avoided.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowOptimal usage of time and space resources makes it a cost-effective approach from the point of view of business persons. (website owners)
Disadvantages of Lazy loading
  • Blog-Detail ArrowFirstly, the extra lines of code, to be added to the existing ones, to implement lazy load makes the code a bit complicated.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowSecondly, lazy loading may affect the website’s ranking on search engines sometimes, due to improper indexing of the unloaded content.
Though there are certain pitfalls of lazy loading yet the big advantages, as optimal utilisation of the two major resources (time & space) and many more make us overlook its disadvantages.

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