October 28, 2020

What is MEAN Stack? MEAN Stack Components and Benefits

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Krunal Shah

A tech stack is a set of programming languages and other software tools used to ease the process of software development. Because the IT ecosystem has been working on a large variety of applications for so many years now, they have identified certain combinations of technologies that one can use to ensure efficient development. MEAN framework is one such combination that web developers swear by. In this article, we look at MEAN stack and how MEAN stack components and benefits facilitate faster, scalable, and profitable web application development.

Table of Contents

What is the MEAN stack for web application development?
MEAN stack is an acronym for a technology stack that uses popular web application development tools and technologies, namely MongoDB, Express.js, Angularjs (or Angular), and Node.js.
MongoDB is a popular database server that stores data structures in a binary JSON format. It’s categorized as a NoSQL database program that helps in working with large-scale data sets very efficiently.
Express.js is a minimal open-source backend web application development framework. Its flexibility makes back end development much easier for developers..
AngularJS or Angular
Mainly used to build single-page web applications, AngularJS is a robust open-source front-end framework based on the JavaScript MEAN stack. Many developers also prefer to use Angular mean stack 2+ versions, which are simply called Angular.
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform runtime JavaScript environment. It’s a great platform for developing high-performing and scalable server-side applications.
This Means (pun intended) that if you hire MEAN stack developers, then you will essentially cut your team in half because you won't have to hire separate backend and frontend developers.
Does Your Web Application Need A Front-End Framework?
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MEAN stack components and their benefits for web application development
MEAN Stack Components
Let’s dig deeper into the components of the MEAN stack and see what each brings to the table.
1. MongoDB for database
A major benefit of the MEAN stack is that it includes the most dynamic NoSQL database in the form of MongoDB.
Why choose MongoDB over MySQL
Although MySQL is the first choice for most developers, here’s why MEAN developers prefer MongoDB to MySQL:
MongoDB is more flexible in terms of schema design
MySQL would not allow you to make any changes without changing your schema design. This considerably slows down the development and deployment process and binds you in terms of flexibility.
Thus, flexibility in schema design tilts the scales in favor of MongoDB. It works perfectly fine even if you drop a few documents that do not have any relation with each other in MongoDB. This is the power of non-relational databases.
MongoDB facilitates more speed and better performance
MySQL works well with structured data sets that are small in size. However, if you have a large unstructured data set, then using MySQL would feel like trying to douse a fire using a garden hose. Too little too late.
The magic of MongoDB is in its ability to handle large unstructured data sets with lightning-fast speeds. Thus, MongoDB is an essential part of MEAN stack components, and its benefits are unmatched by those of an efficient database.
How To Choose A Technology Stack For Web Application Development
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2. Express.js for Javascript applications development
Express.js for JavaScript applications development
The backend of any web application is where the real magic happens. If you have a complicated backend, then your application will be equally complicated. The use of Express.js to handle the backend is the major highlight of MEAN stack components and benefits.
Express.js is a flexible and efficient Node.js framework. If you are looking for a perfect balance between ease of use and a full feature set, then Express.js is your answer.
Express.js ensures a smooth data transfer to the end-user by managing the interactions between the front end and the database.
Here are the main features and benefits of using Express.js for web app development.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIt is a minimalist framework designed to handle the processes of your application without cluttering it.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowExpress.js is an excellent error handler that provides easy templates to speed up your development.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowCommonJS in Express.js saves time by ensuring that you do not have to redefine a variable within a shared namespace.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIt allows you to scale your application quickly as you can easily add nodes and extra resources per your requirements.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowPowered by Google’s V8 engine, Express.js facilitates better performance without any lags or errors.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowExpress.js supports the caching feature. Hence, you don’t need to re-execute the codes often which in turn reduces the loading time of your web pages.
3. AngularJS for front-end development
AngularJS for front end development
2010 was the year when AngularJS was launched. Since then, it has remained one of the most popular front-end JavaScript frameworks. After the launch of an enhanced version, Angular 2+ (simply called Angular) has become a fan favorite too.
So, what does Angular bring to the table as a front-end framework? Let’s see how Angular plays its role in MEAN stack components and benefits:
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe modular structure of Angular allows you to segregate the entire application into exclusive features. Thus, you can easily identify the reusable chunks of code and save tons of development time.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowAngular facilitates lazy loading. This enables the browser to instantly show the data users have requested without unnecessarily downloading the entire data first.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe component-based architecture of angular ensures that new developers don't find it hard to understand the application code.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowCLI(command line interface) of Angular simplifies the app development process and enhances the code quality.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe dependency injection function in Angular boosts the application performance and speeds up the development process.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe Ivy renderer minimizes bundle size, making large-scale apps much lighter.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowTypescript allows the developers to spot and correct errors on the go.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowUsing the declarative view function, developers can save time as it automatically loads the components as per the layout.
MEAN vs MERN: Should you choose Angular over React?
MERN stack is another popular technology stack for web development. The only difference between the MERN and MEAN stack is that the former uses Reactjs while the latter uses Angular for web development.
Here are the key differences between Angular and Reactjs for web application development.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowAngular is a complete front-end framework, while Reactjs is a library that needs third-party support.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowWhile Reactjs allows you more liberty to choose additional features, Angular has a limited set of optional features.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowThe learning curve is steeper for Angular than for Reactjs.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowBuilding an application is faster with the MERN stack, but MEAN makes your web app scalable and highly performant.
So, the choice between Angular and Reactjs is rather dynamic. It depends upon your project and the kind of developers that you have.
Moreover, Reactjs is best for web applications that are dynamic in nature and require a quick response to data changes.
With its advanced features, Angular is the ideal framework for enterprise-level applications.
Differences Between Angular And React For Web Development
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4. Node.js for back-end development
Node.js for back end development
MEAN stack components and their benefits are ideal for efficient cloud-based applications with scalability needs. This is because Node.js is its back-end framework.
Node.js is an open-source JavaScript framework that uses asynchronous events to process multiple connections simultaneously. This feature of Node.js helps the framework to use a single-thread architecture, providing a smooth user experience across multiple connections.
In addition to that, Node.js provides a host of other benefits.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIt drastically shortens the time-to-market cycle.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowWith Node.js, you get immediate feedback from the production environment, which makes deployment simple.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowNode.js allows better scalability.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIt eliminates the necessity to switch between backend and frontend.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowNode.js is a well-tested and mature tool with a huge developer support community.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowMVP development is easy and quick with Node.js.
  • Blog-Detail ArrowIt doesn’t have a steep learning curve, and hence, anyone knowing JavaScript and object-oriented programming basics can master Node.js.
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Advantages of using MEAN stack for web application development
Consolidating the features of each of its components, MEAN software stack is a holistic stack for web development. MEAN stack components and their benefits bring the following advantages for web app development:
Development with MEAN stack is economical
This means that stack developers can complete the project all by themselves, and you do not need to hire separate developers for frontend and backend and database management. This reduces the headcount, in turn reducing the cost of building a web app. MEAN stack is a combination of open-source technologies, which helps keep the costs to a minimum.
JavaScript facilitates a holistic and smooth development process
Mean stack uses JavaScript throughout the code. As the client and server-side language are the same in the MEAN stack, there are fewer hiccups in the process. Angular allows the developers to reuse the code, making the process smoother.
Active community for long-term support
JavaScript is one of the most common programming languages. Hence, it has an active developer community that provides solutions to day-to-day problems faced by JavaScript developers. If you are stuck up, then you can count on the JavaScript community to provide you with a quick solution.
MEAN stack provides flexibility to switch between codes
MEAN stack allows the developers a high level of flexibility as it is easy to switch between codes. For instance, if you started coding in Node.js but found in due course that AngularJS would have been a better option, then you can easily switch between the two languages without adding any complications to your project.
Easy testing
MEAN stack and its components have the benefit of allowing you to test an application on the cloud platform easily. It also allows you to add that extra bit of information as MongoDB is specifically designed for this purpose, providing full cluster support and automatic replication in the cloud.
MEAN stack helps speed up the development process
Due to the virtue of its non-blocking architecture, the MEAN stack is a speedy framework. Angular accords reusability of metastability and easy maintenance to MEAN stack.
MEAN stack components and their benefits have gained a lot of popularity in recent years. Like any other tech stack, MEAN development isn’t ideal for every kind of app out there. However, considering the use of Angular mean stack, it’s perfect for building enterprise-scale apps and single-page apps. Moreover, the flexibility to switch between client-side and server-side codes makes it an easy choice for cloud-based native apps too.
If you are looking for Mean Stack development, we at Third Rock Techkno can you with with Custom software development services. With our decades of experience, we will help your business grow. We also offer free consultations. Contact us now!
Frequency Ask Question
  1. Blog-Detail ArrowHow does Express.js contribute to the MEAN stack?
    Exprees.js is the back-end framework in the MEAN stack that handles server-side operations, routing, and HTTP requests. It simplifies the development process with its lightweight and flexible nature, making it easier to build robust and scalable web applications.
  2. Blog-Detail ArrowHow does MEAN stack development reduce costs?
    MEAN stack development reduces costs by using a unified language, JavaScript, across all components, eliminating the need for separate front-end and back-end teams. All components are open-source and free, reducing licensing fees. The stack's isomorphic nature allows for code reuse, speeding up development and lowering costs.
  3. Blog-Detail ArrowWhat types of applications are best suited for the MEAN stack?
    The MEAN stack is ideal for single-page applications (SPAs), such as dashboards and social platforms, e-commerce sites, real-time applications like chat apps, and cloud-native applications. These applications benefit from the stack's dynamics and scalable and efficient architecture.
  4. Blog-Detail ArrowWhat advantages does Angular provide in the MEAN stack?
    Angular offers two-way data binding, modular architecture, and a rich ecosystem of tools that streamline development. It improves performance with features like ahead-of-time compilation and lazy loading, ensuring fast load times and a better user experience. Backed by Google, angular has extensive support and resources.
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